1,397 research outputs found

    The demand for higher education in the Netherlands 1950-'99

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    This paper investigates the role of economic factors in the university enrollment decision for the post-war period in the Netherlands. We include those factors standing at the heart of the idea that education is an investment. Collecting student enrollment data for eight subject categories results in a large data set, as a cross-section dimension is added to the time-series. The econometric results suggest that students are not responsive to tuition fees, but financial support (the sum of loans and grants), the college premium on future labour market earnings, and the alternative wage are important in the enrollment decision.

    A Java Reference Model of Transacted Memory for Smart Cards

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    Transacted Memory offers persistence, undoability and auditing. We present a Java/JML Reference Model of the Transacted Memory system on the basis of our earlier separate Z model and C implementation. We conclude that Java/JML combines the advantages of a high level specification in the JML part (based on our Z model), with a detailed implementation in the Java part (based on our C implementation)

    Process innovation and performance : the role of divergence

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    Process innovation is a key determinant of performance. While extant literature paints a clear picture of the drivers of process innovation, the effect of process innovation on performance has received little attention. This paper contributes to theory building in this important area and examines how divergence of process innovation impacts performance. Divergence concerns the extent to which the observed level of process innovation diverges from the expected level of process innovation. Positive (negative) divergence occurs when the observed level of process innovation is higher (lower) than expected. In turn, we consider how divergence acts as a driver of performance. This approach is useful and important for managers and theory development as it provides insight into situations where a firm may have “too little” or “too much” process innovation. We use survey and archival data from 5,594 firms across 15 countries and find negative divergence to reduce performance under high competitive intensity, whereas positive divergence is detrimental under high environmental uncertainty. Thus, divergence advances understanding as, in contrast with previous work, we do not suggest that more innovation is always better. These findings contribute to understanding the process innovation-performance relationship and has important implications for strategic management research and practice alike

    European White Book on Real-Time Power Hardware in the Loop Testing : DERlab Report No. R- 005.0

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    The European White Book on Real-Time-Powerhardware-in-the-Loop testing is intended to serve as a reference document on the future of testing of electrical power equipment, with specifi c focus on the emerging hardware-in-the-loop activities and application thereof within testing facilities and procedures. It will provide an outlook of how this powerful tool can be utilised to support the development, testing and validation of specifi cally DER equipment. It aims to report on international experience gained thus far and provides case studies on developments and specifi c technical issues, such as the hardware/software interface. This white book compliments the already existing series of DERlab European white books, covering topics such as grid-inverters and grid-connected storag

    Gezinsbegeleiding achter de voordeur. Een evaluatie volgens de methode Theory of Change

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    Sinds 2007 voert Bureau Frontlijn in Rotterdam het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding uit. Dit bureau heeft tot taak om nieuwe methoden en aanpakken van stedelijk beleid in Rotterdam te ontwikkelen en, indien werkzaam, over te dragen aan reguliere diensten van het Rotterdams stadsbestuur. In het Programma Praktijkbegeleiding worden zogenoemde achterstandsgezinnen op pragmatische wijze begeleid in de verbetering van hun thuissituatie. Hierbij speelt het wegnemen van risicofactoren in de opvoed- en opgroeisituatie een grote rol. Met behulp van stagiaires worden gezinnen op zes leefvelden terzijde gestaan, te weten: wonen, werk & inkomen, gezondheid & hulpverlening, scholing, sociale participatie en veiligheid. De bedoeling van deze studie is niet alleen om dit Rotterdamse project te evalueren, maar ook om een – in Nederland – nieuwe evaluatiemethode uit te proberen. Het betreft de Theory of Change (ToC) methode, die ontwikkeld is door Carol Weiss (1995)

    Enhancing the effect of psychotherapy through systematic client feedback in outpatient mental healthcare:A cluster randomized trial

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    Objective: Systematic client feedback (SCF), the regular monitoring and informing of patients’ progress during therapy to patient and therapist, has been found to have effects on treatment outcomes varying from very positive to slightly negative. Several prior studies have been biased by researcher allegiance or lack of an independent outcome measure. The current study has taken this into account and aims to clarify the effects of SCF in outpatient psychological treatment. Method: Outpatients (n = 1733) of four centers offering brief psychological treatments were cluster randomized to either treatment as usual (TAU) or TAU with SCF based on the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS). Primary outcome measure was the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45). Effects of the two treatment conditions on treatment outcome, patient satisfaction, dropout rate, costs, and treatment duration were assessed using a three-level multilevel analysis. DSM-classification, sex, and age of each patient were included as covariates. Results: In both analyses, SCF significantly improved treatment outcome, particularly in the first three months. No significant effects were found on the other outcome variables. Conclusions: Addition of systematic client feedback to treatment as usual, is likely to have a beneficial impact in outpatient psychological treatment. Implementation requires a careful plan of action. Clinical or methodological significance of this article: This study, with large sample size and several independent outcome measures, provides strong evidence that addition of systematic client feedback to outpatient psychological treatment can have a beneficial effect on treatment outcome (symptoms and wellbeing), particularly in the first three months. However, implementation requires a careful plan of action

    Longitudinal changes in heart rate after participating in the Groningen Active Living Model (GALM) recreational sports programme

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    The aim of this study was to investigate changes in heart rate during submaximal exercise as an index of cardiovascular function in older adults participating in the Groningen Active Living Model recreational sports programme who were sedentary or underactive at baseline. A repeated measurement design was conducted; 151 participants were included, providing 398 heart rate files over a period of 18 months. Multi-level analyses were conducted; growth and final models were developed. Significant decreases in mean heart rate over time were observed for all walking speeds. The covariates of sex and body mass index (BMI) were significantly related to mean heart rate at each walking speed, except for BMI at 7 km/h. No significant relationships were observed between energy expenditure for recreational sports activities and leisure-time physical activities and mean heart rate, except for energy expenditure for leisure-time physical activities at 7 km/h. From baseline to December 2002, decreases in predicted mean heart rate were 5.5, 6.0, 10.0, and 9.0 beats/min at walking speeds of 4, 5, 6, and 7 km/h; relative decreases ranged from 5.1 to 7.4%. Significant decreases in heart rate observed during submaximal exercise reflected a potential increase in cardiovascular function after 18 months of participation in the Groningen Active Living Model recreational sports programme. DOI:10.1080/0264041090300874